Business Minor

A Business minor offers students a chance to explore fundamentals in marketing, management, accounting and other business disciplines while pursuing their passions in other majors. Students who minor in Business build an awareness of the strategic decisions needed to foster success and growth in any marketable field. Whether one’s passion is clothing design, computer programming, architecture, biology or another field, a minor in business will give students tools to develop a successful plan for realizing their career goals.

In addition, students who pursue a minor in Business may have an advantage in the job interview process as they are better able to make the connection between the principles of their major and the fundamentals of market success. They are more likely to offer insight and ideas on how to foster growth.

Students who major in a different discipline but minor in Business may also find an easier path to pursing an MBA after graduation as many programs require undergraduate coursework as preparation for graduate-level coursework.  Students should check with a graduate program of interest to identify their exact requirements.


The minor in Business requires 19 credits, at least 6 of which must be at the 400-level. Grades of C or better are required in all courses applied to the minor. Consult with a business adviser before selecting courses.

Required Courses

  • ECON 102 or ECON 104:  Typically taken in the freshman year by students in the major.  There are no pre-requisites. 
  • ACCTG 211:  Pre-req: MATH 21 or its equivalent.
  • MGMT 301 and MKTG 301:  Pre-reqs include ENGL 15 or 30, MATH 21 or its equivalent, and either ECON 102 or ECON 104.
  • 6 additional credits at the 400-LEVEL. Courses within many business disciplines (e.g. accounting, business administration, entrepreneurship, international business, management, marketing, supply chain management, statistics) may be selected.  
  • A pre-approved list of non-Business courses is available, including some in communication arts and sciences, communications, English, human development and family studies, information sciences and technology, and psychology, among others. Students should carefully review pre-requisites for each course considered.

Most courses taken to satisfy the requirements of the minor can be used to fulfill the requirements of the bachelor of science degree in business should the student choose to change majors.


When working for another company or starting their own, professionals in other disciplines often need skills in accounting, marketing and management.  Entrepreneurs in particular must wear many hats, including employer, marketer and financial manager.  Similarly, corporate employees will find their own professional value enhanced when they understand their contribution to the firm’s bottom line. 

Students who major in many disciplines can therefore find a strong rationale for pursuing a minor in Business. Examples include:

  • Information Sciences and Technology
  • Information Technology
  • Engineering 
  • Biology
  • Communications
  • Psychology
  • Architecture
  • Agriculture
  • Environmental Science


Students who major or minor in Business can participate in student clubs such as Phi Beta Lambda (business case competition), the accounting club or the marketing communications club to further develop their business skills.

For more information, contact Christine Olear: 610-892-1451 or